Tuesday 24 April 2007

La problema

The problem.

Is me.

I have plenty of time. I just don't use it very well.

I have no idea what happened to yesterday. I'd like to start a campaign to have a 32 hour day, which seems to be the way I am internally. 8 hours sleep, 18 hours meandering, pondering and being perplexed by things. Seriously. I need those hours just to understand why something doesn't work. I need time to have full on emotional reactions to everything before dealing with a problem.

The problem is not problems. The problem is me!

My internal clock is wonky. It's stupid o'clock. I think it's because everything here comes alive at night - people have dinner at 11pm. I don't know how they do it but now that the summer has begun I'm swept up into this temporal disturbance where they literally behave as if there's no tomorrow. How on earth do they get up in the mornings??? Have they developed some kind of gene which allows them to survive with less sleep? Is it the sunlight? Is it the coffee??

Now I'm getting deja vu. Weird. I need some sleep.

Lamo British Bird can't take the pace!

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